Monday, December 2, 2013

Book Review: Fight

by Craig Groeschel
Review by Peter Narloch

Fight is the newest book from Craig Groeschel of  Don't be fooled by light weight of this book and it's easy to read style, Pastor Groeschel fills the book with plenty of straight talking punches at men.  Chapters of this book are typically 2 to 6 pages which is perfect for the typical attention span of today's man.  I really enjoyed this book and plan to recommend it to men in my life.

Fight uses the life of Samson as it's guide in encouraging men to be God's warriors. At first read you might think you are reading another flavor of Wild at Heart but Fight gets very personal and speaks very directly to men with lots of real life examples of challenges that men face, making it a must read for men.

The quick chapters and sections make it an efficent read for men and would be very usable as a study book or even a devotional type book.  Married men are the target audience of this book but there are many gems in this reading for single men also.  

Fight by Craig Groeschel would be a great gift to give to any man. The book leaves its readers encouraged to take action in their lives and gives warning of the many pitfalls waiting to trap men. Groeschel writes with an easy going, transparent style which diffuses any preachy awkwardness and leaves men encouraged that they are not alone in their battle to stand up and be men.